No | Fields | type | Main PI | Main Project title | |
1 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 李崑豪 | Targeting MIR31HG/LncHIFCAR-associated molecules and network for pancreatic cancer metastasis and microenvironment | |
2 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 邱仲峯 | 應用深度定序與病人源腫瘤晶片打造軟組織肉瘤的精準醫學轉譯研究模式 | |
3 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 陳瑞明 | Roles of the bradykinin B1 receptor-aquaporin 4 signaling axis in chemoresistance, radioresistance, and edema insults to glioblastoma multiforme and drug development by targeting this signaling axis | |
4 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 黃棣棟 | 針對放射線抗性開發惡性兒童腦瘤精準與標靶治療 | |
5 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 劉景平 | To diminish heterogeneity of GBM through abolishing PGE2-organized microenvironment | |
6 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 潘秀玲 | Lead optimization and pre-clinical candidate selection of novel DYRK1B inhibitors for pancreatic cancer treatment | |
7 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 卓爾婕 | 新藥開發 - HDAC/LSD1 雙效抑制劑於大腸癌治療機轉研究及藥物載體之建立 | |
8 |
cancer medicine
Integrated | 王偉 | Study the mutual interaction between metabolic alternations and tumor microenvironment involved in gemcitabine resistance of pancreatic cancer: mechanisms and potential therapeutic implications | |
1 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 廖崇斌 | 周邊神經損傷、發炎、修復與腫瘤生成 | |
2 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 陳怡樺 | 整合生物、腦波、暴露體學與社會心理因子探討幼兒衝動 /注意力缺失之風險 | |
3 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 林彥仲 | 慢性腎臟病患認知功能障礙的早期偵測、遠距擴增實境復健治療及機轉之轉譯研究 | |
4 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 楊政達 | A VR-based approach to neural synchronization and effective mindfulness training | |
5 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 藍亭 | A Multivariate Approach to Disorders of Consciousness: Diagnosis & Prognosis | |
6 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 吳昌衛 | Intrinsic features of behavioural trait variability: A translational application to neuropsychiatry | |
7 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 胡朝榮 | Dual Compounds for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Focusing on Senescence | |
8 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 許準榕 | Mechanisms of SHANK3-mediated signal proteins, RBFA, TRIM5, and GPR68, in regulation of cerebral ischemic stroke in experimental knockout mice | |
9 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 蕭哲志 | 探討 組織蛋白去乙醯酶 異構物應用於眼科藥物開發之機制探討 | |
10 | Neuroscience | Integrated | 鍾明惠 | The Development and Validation of a Prediction Algorithm for First Onset of Major Depression in General Population: A Genetic, Epigenetic and Drug-Driven Approach | |
1 | Thoracic medicine | Integrated | 莊校奇 | 暴露PM2.5 對肺氣腫之臨床表現型與機轉之研究 | |
2 | Thoracic medicine | Integrated | 陳炳常 | The role of ADAM17/CX3CL1 in pathogenesis of ronchopulmonary fibrosis | |
3 | Thoracic medicine | Integrated | 曾厚 | 用於呼吸系統的片狀細胞治療技術平台之建立 | |
4 | Thoracic medicine | Integrated | 楊豐名 | Therapeutic potential of targeting PP4 in lung fibrosis | |
1 | AI in medicine | Integrated | 吳孟晃 | 人工智慧次世代脊椎內視鏡手術系統 | |
2 | AI in medicine | Integrated | 李友專 | 應用AIoT建立腦損傷病人意識監測平台:先導研究 | |
3 | AI in medicine | Integrated | 康峻宏 | 整合前瞻生醫材料、奈米光電與深度學習創新技術於糖尿病傷口之精準治療、檢測與照護之研究 | |
4 | AI in medicine | Integrated | 劉如濟 | 雲端AI運算運用不同非侵入性臨床工具及免疫細胞分析探討新冠肺炎疫苗亞臨床心臟副作用及免疫反應 | |
5 | AI in medicine | Individual | 蘇家玉 | 根據網路搜尋趨勢以預測新冠肺炎確診病例和未檢出率之人工智慧和訊息流行病學研究 | |
6 | AI in medicine | Individual | 彭徐鈞 | 應用遷移學習於腦部多巴胺轉運體檢查之基底核影像判讀 | |
7 | AI in medicine | Individual | 呂岳勳 | 以電腦斷層的3D 重組結合 AI 模型來進行大腦動脈瘤的流體分析 | |
8 | AI in medicine | Individual | 周百謙 | 聲音陣列分析搭配3D立體列印之呼吸用面罩改善使用非侵入型呼吸器病患之臨床預後 | |
9 | AI in medicine | Individual | 張詠淳 | 基於真實世界數據之肺癌治療語意分析平台 | |
10 | AI in medicine | Individual | 張資昊 | AI機器學習建模應用於一校三院心臟衰竭數據庫之死亡軌跡預測 | |
11 | AI in medicine | Individual | 陳榮邦 | 利用機器學習演算法分類乳管內原位癌和微浸潤性乳腺癌 | |
12 | AI in medicine | Individual | 黎阮國慶(Le Nguyen Quoc Khanh ) | 結合遷移學習和電腦斷層影像體學對非小細胞肺癌分子亞型進行分類 | |
1 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 陳作孝 | Correlations and mechanisms of chronic kidney disease associated neurological dysfunction and cognitive impairment | |
2 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 陳奕平 | 探討心衰竭臨床藥物的精準治療策略-人類心臟類器官模式、動物模式、奈米載體藥物開發 | |
3 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 施俊哲 | A Translational Investigation of a Novel Nano-enabled Targeting and Therapeutic System for Coronary Ischemic Injury (CII-NTTS) | |
4 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 趙振瑞 | 認知訓練、運動及營養介入對髖部骨折術後患者認知功能、運動表現及營養狀態之影響 | |
5 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 劉健群 | 肌肉萎縮過程銅鐵硫奈米材料紅外光波有效吸收治療研究 | |
6 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 陳揚卿 | 精準使用甜味劑以促進心血管代謝健康 | |
7 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 蕭伊倫 | 塑料製品釋放奈米塑膠微粒與其促進代謝症候群之機轉及流行病學轉譯研究 | |
8 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 夏詩閔 | 研究大豆異黃酮代謝物分子(S)-Equol對女性婦科疾病之角色 | |
9 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 白台瑞(Thierry Burnouf) | 研究凝血酶/近紅外光應答結合抗凝血磺酸化胜肽載體於模擬血栓晶片的循環流場中之作用效益 | |
10 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 黃豪銘 | 以無患子油治療牙周病和促進口腔黏膜及植牙骨癒合之機轉探討並製備其釋放水膠體 | |
11 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 吳明恒 | 開發高危險口腔癌前病變的精準診斷治療策略:聚焦口腔疣狀增生 | |
12 | Other innovative fields | Integrated | 高志文 | 台灣菸害疾病預防與篩檢國際研究計劃–兩百萬人次健檢與健保大數據應用 | |
13 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 高治圻 | 探討外泌體在初期急性腎衰竭的角色與生物標記開發潛力 | |
14 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 林中魁 | 聚醚醚酮之合成、改質與其在口腔醫學之應用研究 | |
15 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 蕭世欣 | Genotypes determine the immunogenicity of homogeneous and heterogeneous COVID 19 vaccination | |
16 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 吳明順 | 應用針灸輔助肝癌根除治療後的神經免疫調控與止痛之機轉探討 | |
17 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 蔡尚穎 | 思覺失調症患者頸動脈粥狀化與發炎反應的關聯性 | |
18 | Other innovative fields | Individual | 郭聰榮 | 奈米金島晶片於糖尿病傷口細菌感染之檢測與治療 |
Office of Research and Development