2024 UAAT-U of I Joint Call for Proposals Applications and Research Partnership Arrangements

I. Project Research Themes (see Attachment 1)
1.     Next-generation Semiconductor (+Quantum)
2.     AI & Data for Human Well-Being
3.     Sustainability
II.       Project Team
1.     Project proposals shall be submitted as a single integrative team project.
2.     Each application must include at least 2 UAAT member universities and 1 U of I member institute. Applicant must be a tenure-track faculty member for the duration of the funding period.
3.     Please refer to Attachment 2 for the list of member universities in UAAT and member institutes in U of I System.
III.     Project Funding
1.     Each project may receive up to 150,000 USD (approximately 4,800,000 NTD).
2.     The final number of funded applications and the total amount will be determined based on the review results and the overall budget.
IV.    Application and Project Duration
1.     Application Period: August 1 to September 20, 2024.
2.     Project Period: From December 1, 2024 to November 30, 2025.
V.      How to Apply: Please read through the Proposal Template (see Attachment 3) and Call for Proposals (see Attachment 4), and then submit the joint project proposal to the online application system.
VI.    UAAT Call for Proposals Briefing: The UAAT Secretariat will hold a briefing session on July 8 from 14:00 to 1500. Faculty interested in participating in this project can register at registration page before 17:00 on July 5.
VII.   Webinar Matchmaking: UAAT and U of I will jointly hold a webinar on July 24 from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. Faculty interested in participating in this project can register at Information and Partnering Webinar before July 15.