【2020/06/09】[Request for tenders/proposals] Summary list (on-campus registration deadline: 2020/06/11)

2020/06/09[Request for tenders/proposals] Summary list
NO. Announcement unit Project name Project No.
Budget (Self)-registration deadline Tender deadline Registrant
1 衛生福利部國民健康署 貧血孕婦經臨床治療之改善情形及營養攝取行為探討 C1090607 2,610,000 2020/06/11 2020/06/22  
2 衛生福利部國民健康署 中高齡失能之資料整合加值與預測 E1090604 3,225,000 2020/06/11 2020/06/22  
3 衛生福利部 109年度「原住民族、離島及偏鄉地區醫事人力需求推估暨養成計畫第5期(111-115年)規劃」 M09F6360 3,500,000 2020/06/11 2020/06/23  
4 衛生福利部 109年度「2020臺灣全球健康論壇(Global Health Forum in Taiwan) M09L6280 6,400,000 2020/06/11 2020/06/23  
The university will comprehensively collect tenders, each of which will correspond to one project. Teachers interested in tenders should email Mr. Yang at the Office of Research and Development (ext. 7115; jayyang@tmu.edu.tw) to register a tender of interest before 2020/06/11 and avoid resubmission, which will cause the tender to be abandoned. After the registration deadline, if the debriefing content of the tender does not overlap with that of others, we will email the tender information to the bidder as an invitation to commence proposal composition. Please prepare to submit a comprehensive proposal and associated documents required for stamping (the submission date will be notified individually alongside the tender information) with a proposal envelope and cover page to the Office of Research and Development for the subsequent sealing process and document delivery. [Tender/proposal] archives: Website of Office of Research and Development(LINK)