The university will comprehensively collect tenders, each of which will correspond to one project. Teachers interested in tenders should email Mr. Yang at the Office of Research and Development (ext. 7115; to register a tender of interest before 2021/04/02 and avoid resubmission, which will cause the tender to be abandoned. After the registration deadline, if the debriefing content of the tender does not overlap with that of others, we will email the tender information to the bidder as an invitation to commence proposal composition. Please prepare to submit a comprehensive proposal and associated documents required for stamping (the submission date will be notified individually alongside the tender information) with a proposal envelope and cover page to the Office of Research and Development for the subsequent sealing process and document delivery. [Tender/proposal] archives: Website of Office of Research and Development(LINK)
NO. | Announcement unit | Project name | Project No. (LINK) |
Budget | (Self)-registration deadline | Tender deadline | Registrant |
1 | 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所 | 奈米微粒暴露對勞工健康風險評估 | 1102025 | 2,850,000 | 2021/04/02 | 2021/04/12 | |
2 | 衛生福利部國民健康署 | 110年「推動氣候韌性與環境永續醫院計畫」 | D1100311 | 1,500,000 | 2021/04/02 | 2021/04/16 | |
3 | 衛生福利部 | 110年度「丁基原啡因治療品質提升計畫之計畫管理暨效益評估」 | M1002284 | 2,500,000 | 2021/04/02 | 2021/04/13 | |
4 | 衛生福利部 | 110年度「整合型心理健康工作之考評指標研修及社區心理衛生中心實地輔導暨標竿學習營」 | M1002287 | 1,200,000 | 2021/04/02 | 2021/04/13 |