109學年度「精準健康系列講座-精準預防」-109/10/26(一)-本校公共衛生學院陳怡樺副院長-「Identification of Toddlers At Risk of Developmental Delay: A Preliminary Investigation Using Prenatal and Postpartum Health Data with Machine Learning Approaches 」
講題:Identification of Toddlers At Risk of Developmental Delay: A Preliminary Investigation Using Prenatal and Postpartum Health Data with Machine Learning Approaches
講者:本校公共衛生學院 陳怡樺副院長
※報名截止日期:109年10月25日 (日)
※Registration website: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/index.php?Sn=4012
※Deadline:25th October, 2020 (Sunday)
※Participant:Faculties and students
※Organizer:TMU Office of Research and Development
※Contact Person:YuHua Wang (yuhua.w@tmu.edu.tw)