【演講訊息】111學年度「學術倫理宣導講座」112/05/26(五) -東吳大學 章忠信助理教授-「學術倫理與智慧財產權」(10:00-12:00 視訊演講)

講者:東吳大學 章忠信助理教授
地點:更改為Google meet線上會議

Speaker: Chung-Hsin Chang, Ph.D.
Date:26th May., 2023 (Fri.) 10:00-12:00
Room: This lecture will be held online through Google Meet(please must register in advance)
Online Broadcasting Link:https://meet.google.com/cai-ggzv-ogs

語言:This speech is in Chinese.

*Please check in and check out online to receive the certificate of 2 hours academic research ethics training.
*Certificate will be sent through email.
*Soft copy only

※請務必事先報名Please must register in advance
※Registration website:http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4728
※Deadline:25th May., 2023 (Thu.) 10:00

※Please must register in advance, check in and check out on the day of the speech to receive the certificate of 2 hours academic research ethics course.

※Participant:Faculties and students
※Organizer: the Office of Research and Development
※Contact Person:Tracy Kang(m513097010@tmu.edu.tw)
